Wednesday, December 16, 2009

National Conference Slides

To find out more on what we all learned at national conference, please feel free to visit the site. All presentation slides are now posted!

PRSSA National Conference San Diego

The keynote speaker at this year's national conference was the Lt. Governor of California, Mona Pasquil. She was kind enough to give the PRSSA members in attendance some tips...
1. Always be prepared
2. Take open doors! You never know where they will take you
3. Think of plans
4. Timing is everything

Get your information out there- don't let anyone define who you are!

Find someone to become your mentor!
Know your story!

I also attended "Cruisin' with PR: Corporate vs. Agency"

These are some things to consider when looking into which is best suited for you:
- Is there a particular industry I want to work in?
- Do I want to travel?
- How important is salary?

A case FOR agencies:
- Exposure to a range of campaign types and PR processes.
- More access to latest tools.
- More opportunity for training.
- Learn quickly.
- You're surrounded by PR people.
- Less need to specialize early in your career.

A case AGAINST agencies:
- Multiple bosses.
- Additional tasks.
- Media sees you as a barrier.
- Fierce internal competition.

A case FOR corporate or inhouse:
- higher salaries/benefits.
- Access to senior executives early in your career.
- Ability to specialize in an area you enjoy.
- Easier to forge strong relationships with media.

A case AGAINST corporate or inhouse:
- Your boss may not be a PR/marketing specialist.
- Less exposure to different techniques.
- Limited advancement opportunity.
- Longer hours.
- Less time spent on traditional PR activities.

Thinking about going into nonprofits?
Negative: Training and budgets are much lower.
Positive: Makes you feel great as a person.

Avg salary for a nonprofit PR person: $66.2 thousand a year.

For more information and to see the full slides from conference just click here! :)

Resumes and Portfolios

On Oct. 22nd we held our first workshop of the semester. Abby Gutowski from Weidert Group PR in Appleton came in to help our members better understand what our resumes should look like, along with our portfolios.

Don't have an objective statement! If you do decide to have one, make sure it makes you stand out from the crowd. Explain how you love to network, and how much you want to help the company network further within the profession. Maybe even list something extremely interesting about yourself that would make the reader go, "wow, I want to read further."

What do you have to offer a company? Make sure to list your knowledge (courses, major/minor degrees, awards & recognition, GPA) and your experience (internships, PR associations, networking experience, professional background). Also feel free to list professional web-sites that you are a frequent visitor of, or have a profile with; Linked In, Twitter, a blog. However, do not list your facebook page.


List relevant experiences first. Campaign experience you've had. Skills you list are only relevant when they are unique. If you've ever received news coverage for something you've done, TELL THEM! RESULTS ARE KEY! If you do not have relevant experience yet, list relevant PR classes that you've taken.

Always write what is in it for the company, explain how beneficial it would be for them to bring you into the company. "I want to grow with the company..." Explain your passion for PR, that you'd like to develop the company's involvement within the profession.

Try to find something more unique than, " I have good work ethic..."

Formatting is as important as content!


You will usually only have time to show the employer 3-4 pieces.

If you have helped a company with social media, make sure to show them! Any work at all that you have done for a company, make sure to show them!

Blog Posts, show them that you have a personal brand and know social media. Also let them know if you know how to measure social media!

Have an online link for employer to visit after you have left- they aren't going to keep your pieces for review. And they won't remember you if they are interviewing five other people after you. So if you don't have a link for them to visit, leave a disk containing a few pieces of your portfolio for them to reference later.

Include news releases you have done and any news that resulted from your release!

Online portfolios that are available are a great way to brand yourself, and a great way to leave your portfolio behind after an interview!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

UW-Oshkosh Members Jet to San Diego for Conference

Six members of the Oshkosh chapter of PRSSA will be heading off to San Diego on Nov. 6th to learn all about our profession of public relations! Such great opportunities await us all at national conference in professional development sessions, banquets and mixers with professionals.

UW-Oshkosh will also accepting the second place prize we have won through the National Organ Donor Awareness Competition put on every year by Rowan University. UW-Oshkosh has taken first place in 2007 and 2008.

Another great reason to attend national conference is the awards banquet. Each year, hundreds of PRSSA members apply for scholarships, awards and other honors and the awards banquet is where the winners are all awarded their prizes. This year also marked a new competition. Each chapter had the opportunity to hand-pick five of its members to be on a campaign team that would create a PR plan for the CW Network and their two shows; 90210 and Melrose Place. At the awards banquet, the UW-Oshkosh CW Campaign Team will finally hear the results of their campaign!

Stop back for when we post all of our discoveries that we learned of at national conference!

PRSSA Hands Out Candy to Community

On Oct. 29th the UW-Oshkosh PRSSA members volunteered their time to pass out candy for Reeve Union Board's Annual Halloween Carnival in Titan Underground.
Community families are invited to step onto campus and play carnival games and get candy in the process!

The PRSSA game was "Pick-A-Duck" which turned out to be a hit with the little ones! If they picked out a duck with a sticker of Snoopy on the bottom, they received candy and some spooky glasses from a ladybug, Hulkamania and Snow White!! Thanks to everyone to came out and supported this great event!

Check out photos of all the fun here!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Linkedin: Facebook for Professionals

I attended the Linkedin Speed Training for College Students Tuesday, Oct 13., presented by Wayne Breitbarth, who is Owner and President at M&M Interiors.

Breitbarth explained of the benefits of having an active Linkedin profile and how it can help how your image looks to future employers.

He explained the 'spider web' effect that networking has as you make connections throughout your professional career and currently as students.

The main points of Breitbarth's presentation are:
  • Construct a complete Linkedin profile (if you do not have one)
  • Make valuable and trusted connections to your network
  • Always stay connected and continue to build your personal brand

View Aaron Katzfey's profile on LinkedIn

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pumpkin Sale

UWO's PRSSA will be hosting a pumpkin sale on October 20th and 21st in the Reeve Concourse from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. both days.

Come check out pumpkins of all sizes! Whether it's for decoration or for carving, we've got it! Prices range from $1-$3 and it's on campus, you don't have to go anywhere far to find that perfect pumpkin!

See you there! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


UWO's PRSSA will be hosting a workshop for anyone interested in updating their resume, portfolio, interviewing skills, or that want to know how to format a cover letter. This workshop will take place on October 22nd, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. in Clow 152, the journalism reading room.

Abby Gutowski from Weidert Group in Appleton, will be reviewing resumes and portfolios, giving suggestions where needed. Showing us what is appropriate for interviews/ questions that may be asked during an interview, as well as format appropriate for cover letters. So bring in anything that you might have from your portfolio and as a resume, maybe even past cover letters that you may have used!

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please contact Heather Wade at to sign up!

National Conference

Congratulations to those of you who registered for National Conference in San Diego!

Registration has now been closed, since they have reached their 1,000 registrants marker.

If you registered before the deadline, you are in for a GREAT experience! It is an experience of a lifetime! You will meet people from all over the country, potential employers, and gain priceless information that you will be able to use throughout your career as a public relations practitioner!

From our chapter, we have six members attending, which is a GREAT number for us! Last year, we had seven members attend, but conference was only in Detroit. For conference being in San Diego this year, six is an amazing number!

Thank you to those who will be attending, you will be representing our school, our chapter and Wisconsin! On that note, because you will be representing your school, please dress appropriately! Wearing business casual is term that students think they know, but sometimes confuse with other things. Jeans are only appropriate for the Friday of conference, "Bring us something PRSSA." Wearing an all pink business suit is NOT business casual, it's just gaudy. :)

If you have any questions on any terms listed, or about conference in general, please feel free to email me at

Friday, October 2, 2009

PRSSA Field Trip (Weidert Group)

Also crammed into our schedule today, was a tour with Appleton full-service agency, Weidert Group. Here, members learned what is expected of a PR practitioner within an agency setting. Abby Gutowski, Weidert's PR Specialist was kind enough to introduce us to her co-workers, Frank (introduced social media), Meg (introduced the creative side of agencies), and Greg (introduction of Weidert Group).

We learned about
Hootsuite, a web-site that allows companies to manage more than one account on Twitter; this way, you don't need to keep logging in and out. Another site is, Weebly. Weebly allows you to provide potential employers with an online portfolio, as well with personal information, bios, and resumes.

Abby suggests that everyone have an online portfolio on some web-site. This way, when you are being interviewed and they do not keep your portfolio and interview five other hopefuls, they can look back and some pieces that you have done. Then they don't have to rely on memory, after looking through six portfolios and somehow separate them out.

Weidert Group's President, Greg Linnemanstons also spoke on the importance of being persistent. Have a
Linkedin profile, keep active, and continually network.

It never hurts to send resumes in before companies have job postings, just to let them know you are interested. But always make sure to follow up if they give you a deadline for when to contact them! It is also never too early to start job- hunting for when graduation rolls around, don't be the graduate without a job! :)

PRSSA Field Trip (PAC)

Today, UWO PRSSA made a trip to tour the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center in Appleton. Tara and Maggie, who are in charge of the PAC's marketing and public relations, we nice enough to give us a grand tour of the PAC. They let us go behind the scenes, dressing rooms, on stage, and tour where the celebrities enter when they don't feel like being noticed.

Their co-worker Gerald let us in on the ins and outs of designing a stage, catering, and lighting/sound. While Tara and Maggie let us know the events that they plan in certain spaces and time-lines of fundraisers they have managed in the past. Planning 400 events, the PAC is always up and running. They rent out certain spaces within the PAC, even planning some weddings!

The PAC has a room for all occasions, holding press conferences, meet and greets, cast parties, etc. Since the PAC is a non-profit, they stressed the importance of thanking your sponsors; they are the reason you are holding all of the events that you have. Sponsors need to know that they are appreciated.

PRSSA National Conference Reminder

Last day to register for PRSSA National Conference in San Diego is October 5th! So make sure to follow the link and get it over with! Registration will be capped at 1,000 registrants, or October 5th, whichever comes first. So please don't wait until the last minute if you know that you want to go! :)

There are tons of amazing opportunities awaiting you in San Diego! Professional Development Sessions, Socials with members from around the country, networking with professionals, as well as a red carpet themed awards banquet! Don't miss out!

I know there are some of you that cannot afford to attend conference, please don't beat yourself up over it. Second semester will bring more PRSSA sponsored events, but regional. Regional Activities mainly focus on one aspect of PR and usually only last one day, but we could get a group together and stay in a hotel for a night and things will be much cheaper. :)