Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Resumes and Portfolios

On Oct. 22nd we held our first workshop of the semester. Abby Gutowski from Weidert Group PR in Appleton came in to help our members better understand what our resumes should look like, along with our portfolios.

Don't have an objective statement! If you do decide to have one, make sure it makes you stand out from the crowd. Explain how you love to network, and how much you want to help the company network further within the profession. Maybe even list something extremely interesting about yourself that would make the reader go, "wow, I want to read further."

What do you have to offer a company? Make sure to list your knowledge (courses, major/minor degrees, awards & recognition, GPA) and your experience (internships, PR associations, networking experience, professional background). Also feel free to list professional web-sites that you are a frequent visitor of, or have a profile with; Linked In, Twitter, a blog. However, do not list your facebook page.


List relevant experiences first. Campaign experience you've had. Skills you list are only relevant when they are unique. If you've ever received news coverage for something you've done, TELL THEM! RESULTS ARE KEY! If you do not have relevant experience yet, list relevant PR classes that you've taken.

Always write what is in it for the company, explain how beneficial it would be for them to bring you into the company. "I want to grow with the company..." Explain your passion for PR, that you'd like to develop the company's involvement within the profession.

Try to find something more unique than, " I have good work ethic..."

Formatting is as important as content!


You will usually only have time to show the employer 3-4 pieces.

If you have helped a company with social media, make sure to show them! Any work at all that you have done for a company, make sure to show them!

Blog Posts, show them that you have a personal brand and know social media. Also let them know if you know how to measure social media!

Have an online link for employer to visit after you have left- they aren't going to keep your pieces for review. And they won't remember you if they are interviewing five other people after you. So if you don't have a link for them to visit, leave a disk containing a few pieces of your portfolio for them to reference later.

Include news releases you have done and any news that resulted from your release!

Online portfolios that are available are a great way to brand yourself, and a great way to leave your portfolio behind after an interview!

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