Friday, October 2, 2009

PRSSA National Conference Reminder

Last day to register for PRSSA National Conference in San Diego is October 5th! So make sure to follow the link and get it over with! Registration will be capped at 1,000 registrants, or October 5th, whichever comes first. So please don't wait until the last minute if you know that you want to go! :)

There are tons of amazing opportunities awaiting you in San Diego! Professional Development Sessions, Socials with members from around the country, networking with professionals, as well as a red carpet themed awards banquet! Don't miss out!

I know there are some of you that cannot afford to attend conference, please don't beat yourself up over it. Second semester will bring more PRSSA sponsored events, but regional. Regional Activities mainly focus on one aspect of PR and usually only last one day, but we could get a group together and stay in a hotel for a night and things will be much cheaper. :)

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