Friday, October 2, 2009

PRSSA Field Trip (Weidert Group)

Also crammed into our schedule today, was a tour with Appleton full-service agency, Weidert Group. Here, members learned what is expected of a PR practitioner within an agency setting. Abby Gutowski, Weidert's PR Specialist was kind enough to introduce us to her co-workers, Frank (introduced social media), Meg (introduced the creative side of agencies), and Greg (introduction of Weidert Group).

We learned about
Hootsuite, a web-site that allows companies to manage more than one account on Twitter; this way, you don't need to keep logging in and out. Another site is, Weebly. Weebly allows you to provide potential employers with an online portfolio, as well with personal information, bios, and resumes.

Abby suggests that everyone have an online portfolio on some web-site. This way, when you are being interviewed and they do not keep your portfolio and interview five other hopefuls, they can look back and some pieces that you have done. Then they don't have to rely on memory, after looking through six portfolios and somehow separate them out.

Weidert Group's President, Greg Linnemanstons also spoke on the importance of being persistent. Have a
Linkedin profile, keep active, and continually network.

It never hurts to send resumes in before companies have job postings, just to let them know you are interested. But always make sure to follow up if they give you a deadline for when to contact them! It is also never too early to start job- hunting for when graduation rolls around, don't be the graduate without a job! :)

1 comment:

  1. The tour of the Weidert group was very informative and stimulating. It was great to hear insights and advice from professionals in my field of study.
